Dry Milk Ingredients
Whole Milk Powder
Whole Milk Powder (WMP) is the product resulting from the partial removal of water from pasteurized milk. The fat and/or protein content of the milk may have been adjusted, only to comply with the compositional requirements below, by the addition and/or withdrawal of milk constituents in such a way as not to alter the whey proteinProtein in milk that remains in water phase after casein precipitates. to caseinProtein in milk that precipitates at pH 4.6. ratio of the milk being adjusted.
This is only a product made for export. It cannot be used in any standard of identity dairy products in the U.S.
ADPI members can access all product standards information through the “Ingredients Resource Center for Members.”
WMP is white to light cream in color with a clean, pleasing taste.
Applications include: confectionery, bakery products, packaged dry mixes, dairy products, soups, sauces, frozen foods, and beverage use.
Product should be stored and shipped in a cool, dry environment with temperatures below 80°F and relative humidity below 65%. Shelf life is 6-12 months when stored under recommended conditions.
Multiwall kraft bags with polyethylene inner liner or other suitable closed container – i.e., “tote bins,” etc.