Dairy Protein Messaging Initiative

About The Strong Inside Campaign

ADPI is the organizing body of the member-led Dairy Protein Messaging Initiative that launched and manages the consumer-focused “The Strong Inside®” messaging campaign. The initiative/campaign is funded entirely by ADPI member organizations, and is open to all in the dairy-centric food and beverage industry. Over 55 companies, trade associations, and the press created The Strong Inside campaign to help consumers sort through information surrounding dairy and to make informed choices when it comes to consuming protein. We know proteins from milk have many proven benefits, documented by a lot of sound and solid sciences, and the goal of the campaign is to educate consumers about the benefits of dairy protein.

This campaign does not receive any stipends from the dairy checkoff program, nor government agencies, etc.

The Dairy Protein Messaging Initiative Task Force at ADPI

The Dairy Protein Messaging Initiative is part of the Marketing Committee at ADPI. The campaign is led and funded by ADPI member organizations. There is no other messaging campaign like it in the dairy industry. Creative and content is led by agency SRW.

Leadership of the Messaging Initiative Task Force:

  • Anand Rao, PhD
  • Lindsay Ormand
  • Staff Liaison: Tara Anderson

Marketing & Communications

The ADPI marketing and communications team works to organization’s voice, style and personality Increasing our internal brand awareness greatly impacts.


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