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135 S. LaSalle St., Suite 3000
Chicago, IL USA
Listings » Consulting » Ever.Ag
Ever.Ag Risk Management offers brokerage services, specializing in comprehensive solutions for the dairy, livestock, and grain value chains. These services include brokerage for exchange traded markets such as CME as well as OTC markets.
Ever.Ag Insurance offers insurance services specializing in RMA crop products like Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP). Since pricing for these products are uniform from carrier to carrier, service is the only way to provide distinction from agent to agent. Farms in dairy, crop, and livestock production rely on ever.ag for their unique knowledge of the markets, customized proprietary software, and of course, professional service.
Ever.Ag Grain Solutions offers advisory services to buyers and sellers of grain products that goes well beyond exchange traded products to address local pricing, logistics, and other market influences. Whether a US grain farmer selling to a handful of local buyers or a dairy producer attempting to better manage feed costs as it enters their ration, our team of experienced grain and feed professionals holistically examine grain price risk and execute customized plans in cooperation with the respective client.
Ever.Ag Technologies offers customized software to the whole ever.ag community, both employees and clients. Vault currently supports a wide range of customers. The software is a proven Commodity Trade and Risk Management (CTRM) solution for dairymen and grain producers as well as commercial and professional traders.