Resource &
Knowledge Center
Suite of Standards

Setting the Standard
ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute More is committed to the development of dairy ingredient standards and specifications. An important part of the ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute More mission is the development of industry standards for dairy ingredients that serve to build customer and consumer confidence and trust in U.S.-produced products. We are proud to provide the dairy industry with the collection of product standards listed below.
ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute More urges the industry to use these product standards as a guide in the manufacturing, marketing, and purchasing of dairy products for use as functional and nutritional ingredients.
All content is copyright produced by ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute More with the intent of providing ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute More members critical information to support production of dairy ingredients and products.

ADPI Dairy Product Standards
ADPI dairy ingredient standards are designed as industry standards for U.S. produced dairy ingredients, and are therefore neither binding nor enforceable. The standards have been developed with a sufficiently broad framework to allow for individual brand identity and innovation within the standard. All ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute More standards are viewable online via the links below and include:
- product definitions;
- compositional analysis;
- common methods of sampling and analysis.
Milk Ingredients
Whey Ingredients
Other Dairy Products & Ingredients
Concentrated Milk Products
Milk & Whey Ingredients
Reference Standards for the Industry
Certified Reference Standard Materials
One Low- and one High-Heat Nonfat Dry Milk sample (250 grams each) are only used for the purposes of plotting standard curves (usually 12 curves in one set) in determining the undenatured whey proteinProtein in milk that remains in water phase after casein precipitates. More nitrogen (WPN) by the modified Harland-Ashworth Method. In addition, the certified reference standards will also now include certified values for protein content and for total moisture. This expanded list of analytical parameters is automatically included on the Eurofins Certificate of Analysis (COAA certificate of analysis is an official document provided by a manufacturer, supplier or laboratory that provides detailed information about the quality, composition and/or specifications of a product or material. More) for every set of standards.
$87 for US orders
$222 for International orders
All costs include shipping and administrative costs.
$244 for US orders
$379 for International orders
All costs include shipping and administrative costs.
Printed Standards Materials
Scorched Particle Standards For Dry Milks
A 3.5 x 8″ laminated card depicting the various levels of scorched particlesParticles of powder that have dried/overheated such that they are no longer white to cream in color. Scorched particles range from tan to brown to black depending on the degree of overheating. More for dry milks.
Whey Color Standards: Chart #100
Lactose Color Standards: Chart #200
Color chart to standardize the color evaluation of lactose.
$30* each card for US orders
$115* each card for International orders
*First card includes shipping; additional cards up to 5 copies of each can be ordered at $15.
$45* each card for US orders
$130* each card for International orders
*First card includes shipping; additional cards up to 5 copies of each can be ordered at $30.

Inquiries regarding technical specifications and standards can be directed to our VP of Technical Services, Andy Powers at or by phone at 630.530.8700 x222.
Inquiries seeking further information about the use of dairy ingredients related to your food and beverage formulations and applications, can be directed to our VP of Technical Development, KJ Burrington at or by phone at 630.530.8700 x225.