Ambassador Program
Volunteer as an ADPI Ambassador
The ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute Ambassador Program was developed to serve our member organizations through strengthening relationships between industry and academia and to attract students from a variety of majors to consider the dairy industry as a career option and path. Our goal is to help “future-proof” the dairy industry by connecting well-trained, job-ready employees to the dairy industry for decades to come, and to encourage ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute member organizations to share our mission.
With a goal to connect students from all over the country with numerous volunteers from coast to coast, we encourage employees from member organizations to volunteer at any time!
If you have questions about the Ambassador Program, please contact Manager of Academic Engagement, Stephanie Clark at
What is an Ambassador?
Two Opportunities: Career Spotlight and Mentor
Career Spotlight Ambassadors serve as storytellers, sharing a personal dairy journey with students. Timely guidance from experienced employees can help young people make better decisions and explore options that were not originally on their radar.
Career Spotlight Ambassadors visit one university, college, or community college per year. The visit can also be coupled with a Career Fair if the opportunity is available. Volunteers who wish to schedule more than one visit a year are invited to connect with Stephanie for arrangements.
Mentors in the Ambassador program serve in a one-on-one role, establishing and maintaining a meaningful virtual relationship with one student. Mentoring is intended to foster relationships between students and dairy professionals, and nurture sound career decisions.
The time commitment will be arranged by the Mentor and student, and may consist of a single interaction, monthly for several months, or a year. If a volunteer desires to be a Mentor for more than one student, that may potentially be arranged.
To sign-up as a volunteer, please click the button above to share who you are and how you’d like to serve as an Ambassador.
Who are Campus Hosts?
A Campus Host is any college or university faculty, staff or student who interacts directly with Manager of Academic Engagement, Stephanie Clark (sclark@adpiAmerican Dairy Products, and ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute Ambassadors to coordinate a Career Spotlight event. Campus Hosts schedule rooms, ensure availability of audio-visual equipment, assist in setting up the room for the event, greet the ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute Ambassador upon their arrival, assist with cleaningRemoval of soil from surfaces up after the event, and other activities that help ensure an exceptional event.
If you have questions about the Ambassador Program, please contact Manager of Academic Engagement, Stephanie Clark at sclark@adpiAmerican Dairy Products
Want to learn more?
For more details about the ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute Ambassador Program and your role in it, download a copy of our Guidance Document.