ADPI Through the Decades
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Whey Products Institute
Established | June 1971
- Production of wheyLiquid obtained from cheese manufacture. More in 1969 was 1.4 million pounds, and thus the need to establish a separate institute dedicated solely to wheyLiquid obtained from cheese manufacture. More. 50% of wheyLiquid obtained from cheese manufacture. More went to animal and human uses, while the remaining 50% was used in fertilizer or was environmental waste.
- For comparison, in 2021, production of wheyLiquid obtained from cheese manufacture. More was at 2.9 billion pounds, with a solid majority going for human use.
1975 | Foreword from the 50th Anniversary of ADMI
“While the American Dry Milk Institute has attained many of the goals of its founders, such achievements do not permit the organization to rest upon realizations of these past goals. Rather dry milk industry progress and growth of the past 50 years imposes greater responsibilities upon ADMI and its membership to develop ever improved dry products of milk for a broadening base of enlarged and new uses and increasing utilization based upon dry milk nutritional and functional advantages in foods.”
1975 | 50 Years of ADMI
- 50 years of ADMI focused on uniformity and qualityFocus on doing things well and producing a product acceptable to consumers More of product and providing marketing opportunities to educate consumers and users of the nutritional advantages of nonfat dry milk.
- WheyLiquid obtained from cheese manufacture. More quickly grows in it use and the industry switches its processing gears.
The Objectives of the American Dry Milk Institute in 1975
To assure industry progress, development and growth may be simply stated:
- to establish recommended sanitary manufacturing procedures;
- to develop dry milk grading specifications; to assure uniformity and qualityFocus on doing things well and producing a product acceptable to consumers More of product;
- to undertake product and utilization research studies;
- to provide enlarged marketing opportunities;
- to educate consumers and users of the nutritional and functional advantages of nonfat dry milk in foods;
- to foster governmental cooperation and avoid restrictive regulations tending to limit marketing opportunities.
- The “Real Seal” for dairy products was developed by California dairy associations to combat imitation cheeseSee filled cheese. More in the pizza industry.
- Dr. Warren Clark was named the next head of ADMI.