
ADPI Through the Decades

Between 1960-63, home use of nonfat dry milk increased monumentally.

“…but I have noted with satisfaction the progress which has been made, particularly in expanded domestic commercial sales of nonfat dry milk. Continued aggressive efforts by the dry milk industry, under the leadership of your Association, can help to improve the economic position of the dairy farmer and the dairy industry in the years ahead.”

– Secretary of Agriculture | April 1960


  • ADMI and EMA jointly develop and issue a set of uniform sanitary/quality standards for manufacturing milk.
  • Membership in ADMI expanded internationally with 17 members from nine countries.


  • PL-480 Food for Peace Program was expanded by President Kennedy.
  • USDA announced specifications for an over-tape, sewn and sealed closure on multiwall paper bags.
  • The New York Central Railroad announced a unique freight service called “Flexi-Flo” for dry milk.
  • 3-A Standards were worked into ADMI’s list of Standards.

Telegram from Dwight Eisenhower dated April 1960

“In my recent travels, I have observed the great contribution to peace made by the sharing of our agricultural abundance with neighbors overseas. Dry milk has played a significant role in this food for peace program. I have also noted with satisfaction the increased consumption of this important food within the borders of our own land.”

ADMI-Funded Research


New research between ADMI and the University of Wisconsin helps launch new whey blends for the baking industry.


Research begins on human lactase deficiency, more commonly known as lactose intolerance.



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