ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute is pleased to announce that we are restoring full public access to our ADPI Ingredient Standards, an extensive and ever-expanding library which encompasses many of the dairy industry’s broad offering of commodity and value-added products. This resolution strengthens ADPI’s long-established role as the standard-setting organization for dairy.
ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute has a 100-year legacy of dairy industry leadership, and our Ingredient Standards are the cornerstone of our knowledge-based approach to this leadership role. Our current range of Ingredient Standards, developed by technical and marketing experts from our member organizations, not only define fundamental dairy ingredients such as milk powders, but also a host of established or emerging ingredients that are on the competitive edge of functionality and nutrition, such as protein concentrates, isolates, and specific bioactive protein and lipid fractions.
The ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute catalog consists of more than 30 standards representing an even greater number of individual dairy ingredients — everything from alpha-lactalbumin to whole milk powder. And the count is growing: We currently have two entirely new documents pending approval by our Standards Committee, with two more related standards immediately following those, and two more in the development queue. The dairy industry never stops innovating, so our work at ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute to establish the standards is never done!
Our member organizations and staff have given decades of commitment to define the products that make the dairy industry what it is today. Not only have we worked hard throughout our history to ensure that our standards evolve with the ever-expanding mix of products, but we are continuing to make sure that the language and content of our standards, both new and legacy, are aligned with industry best practices, food safetyFocus on avoiding bad events and harm to consumers. requirements and qualityFocus on doing things well and producing a product acceptable to consumers systems controls. Every single one of our legacy standards has been reviewed to ensure that it remains on-brand, contemporary and fit for purpose.
The ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute Ingredient Standards enable dairy to fulfill its promise to deliver safe, high-quality nutrition to consumers around the world.
For more information on ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute Standards, please feel free to reach out to Andy Powers, ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute Vice-President of Technical Service.