Complete Filtration Resources, Inc.

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1932 E. 26th Street, PO Box 253
Marshfield, WI USA
Listings » Equipment Supplier » Complete Filtration Resources, Inc.
Complete Filtration Resources, Inc.
From design, fabrication, & controls, to installation, training & service, Complete Filtration Resources will deliver for you. Complete Filtration Resources designs, manufactures, installs, & supports process filtration, and waste treatment systems around the globe. We specialize in dairy process systems, while also excelling in various industries from food and beverage to industrial. When it comes to filtration systems, today’s food, beverage, and dairy processors need a supplier who is experienced in the full spectrum of membrane filtration…one who is already established in your industry, is innovative, yet cost effective…a supplier who can be trusted to handle the entire project. Complete Filtration Resources is the supplier who works within your budget & time constraints to deliver the membrane filtration equipment that your plant needs.
Contract Manufacturing: Membrane Filtration Systems & Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Pilot Plant Facility: Full-Scale Pilot Product Plants, that can be done in-house or shipped all over the world.