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Milkfat Ingredients
Milkfat ingredients
Whey Ingredients
Carbohydrate Ingredients
Milkfats | Overview
The fatty component of milk (i.e., “milkfat”) comprises about 3 ½ to 4 percent of fluid milk, corresponding to about 27 to 32 percent of the total solids in milk. Separating the milkfat from milk’s other constituents becomes a valuable processing step in almost every dairy operation, where that fat component is simultaneously excluded from one finished dairy ingredient (e.g., nonfat dry milk) while also being concentrated and made saleable as another valuable dairy ingredient, e.g. cream or butterA water in oil emulsion of fat globules, water and minerals made by churning cream from milk. Butter has at least 80% fat and can approximately 1.2% salt added..
Milkfat Products Standards
ADPIAmerican Dairy Products Institute task forces have developed industry standards for a number of ingredients that fall under the Milkfat category, including two recently released in 2024 on ButteroilWater in oil emulsion that has at least 99.3% fat and is made by removing most of the water and milk-solidsnot-fat. and Anhydrous Milkfat (AMF)Water in oil emulsion that is at least 99.8% fat made by removing almost all of the water and solids-not-fat. Also known as anhydrous butteroil.. Through such standards, processors, and users/purchasers, have a clear understanding of product qualityFocus on doing things well and producing a product acceptable to consumers and the basis upon which such has been determined. Questions relating to a product’s qualityFocus on doing things well and producing a product acceptable to consumers thus may be eliminated by having standardized analytical test methods available to both buyer and seller and by referring these test results to specific grade standards.
Methods of analyses needed to accurately determine product composition, measure qualityFocus on doing things well and producing a product acceptable to consumers, and ascertain compliance with grade standards, have been reviewed and approved by an Institute Committee of technical experts, and are compiled in each standard.
Functional Properties of Milkfat Ingredients
Air incorporation | Creaming | Flavor |
Flavor Carrier | Gloss | Heat transfer medium |
Layering | Shortening | Anti-staling |