Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery

232 North Wallace Street
Ellsworth, WI USA

Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery

The Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery is based in the Heart of Wisconsin’s Dairyland in the town of Ellsworth. Our cooperative is 450 patron families strong, with each of our member farms dedicated to producing the highest quality milk for our cheeses. Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery incorporated in 1910 with our primary product being butter. We began making cheese curds in 1968, and the popularity of the product was instantaneous. Today, our all natural premium Cheddar Cheese Curds are our specialty product and are sold world-wide direct to consumers and to distributors for retail, restaurant and food service applications. They’re so delicious that we were proclaimed the Cheese Curd Capital of Wisconsin by Governor Anthony S. Earl in 1984. In 2011, a new chapter was added to our history book when Comstock Creamery in Comstock, WI, joined the Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery family. The acquisition brought with it expanded cheesemaking capabilities and today our two plants produce 80 varieties of specialty cheeses under the Blaser’s, Antonella, Kammerude and Ellsworth Valley (rBST, rBGH-free) labels. In addition to our cheeses, our sweet whey is dried into whey powder which is packaged and sold both nationally and internationally.

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