Valley Queen Cheese Co.

- Address
P.O. Box 351, 201 S. Dakota St
Milbank, SD USA
Listings » Manufacturer » Valley Queen Cheese Co.
Valley Queen Cheese Co.
Valley Queen takes pride in producing high-quality dairy products that meet the needs of our customers. Our dairy producers are dedicated to producing the best quality milk, and we are committed to turning that milk into a wide variety of award-winning, natural cheeses, including American-style and Italian-style cheese with a special emphasis on reduced-fat cheese. We also produce WPC 80, lactose, sweet cream, and anhydrous milkfat (AMF) using state-of-the-art equipment. Our modern cheese plant is located in Milbank, SD, right in the heart of the fast-growing dairy region known as the I-29 Corridor. Our manufacturing facility is SQF Level III certified.