The Powerful List of Dairy Ingredients
Nature’s Complete Proteins
Fuel & Fiber With Carbs
Functional Fats
Beneficial "Bios"
The Powerful List of Dairy Ingredients
Milk Protein
Nonfat Dry Milk
Product Definition
Nonfat Dry Milk (NDMNonfat dry milk) is obtained by the removal of water from pasteurized skim milk. Nonfat Dry Milk contains not more than 1.50% fat and not more than 5.0% total moisture.
Nonfat Dry Milk complies with all provisions of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Other Characteristics
Product Labeling
Recommended identifications: Nonfat Dry Milk where the heat treatment classification should be included
Ingredient Note: Nonfat Dry Milk may comply with all aspects of the definition for Skim Milk Powder, but SMPSkim milk powder (which is permitted to be standardized) does not comply with NDMNonfat dry milk requirements by definition.This ‘one-way’ equivalence has implications for product formulation and labeled ingredient declarations.
Protein Quality
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)......1.00
Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS).....................1.44
Permissable Additives
Nonfat Dry Milk may not contain, or be derived from:
- Dry buttermilk;
- Dry wheyFresh whey that has been pasteurized and contains all constituents, except water, in the same proportions as found in the original whey
- Products other than skim milk.
Added preservatives, neutralizingAddition of caustic, such as sodium hydroxide, to increase the pH of the product. Neutralizing typically would be used only for acid or fermented whey. agents, and other chemicals are not permitted in Nonfat Dry Milk
Functionality and Applications
HIgh Performance:
Hydration Rate
Heat Stability
Medium Performance:
Water Binding
Nonfat Dry Milk is typically used for fluid milk fortification, frozen desserts, cheese, yogurt, dairy beverages, bakery products, custards, gravies, sauces, frozen foods, packaged dry mixes, processed meats, soups, infant formulas, snack foods, cosmetics, and others.
The heat treatment classification of Nonfat Dry Milk has bearing on its appropriate end-use applications.
Nonfat Dry Milk and Skim Milk Powder are analogous ingredients, with the former representing the U.S. definition and the latter representing the international (Codex AlimentariusGroup responsible for developing a collection of internationally adopted food standards aimed at protecting consumers’ health and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade.) definition, respectively. Note that the U.S. definition permits the fortification of NDMNonfat dry milk with either vitamin A and/or vitamin D, but does not allow for raising or lowering the protein content (‘standardization’) by adding specific permissible additives as is permitted for SMPSkim milk powder.
Product Examples
(launched in the last 2 years)
Credit: Innova Market Insights
Smearcase Froco Ice Cream: Nonfat dry milk is used most widely in dairy applications like this ice cream product made with cottage cheese. Nonfat dry contributes milk solids not fat (MSNF) important for many dairy applications.
Glutino Gluten Free Pretzel Twists: The white confectionary coating on these pretzels gets its characteristic white color and milky flavor from nonfat dry milk. Milk powders provide a premium qualityFocus on doing things well and producing a product acceptable to consumers to confectionary coatings.
Freshana Hollandaise Sauce Mix: Sauce mixes are an ideal application for nonfat dry milk to provide the dairy base for this hollandaise sauce. It provides convenience and ease of preparation when only water needs to be added instead of fresh milk.
Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Pizza Dough: Baked products like pizza dough benefit from the functionality of nonfat dry milk. It provides surface browning, crumb softening, and enhances the flavor of baked products.