The Powerful List of Dairy Ingredients
Nature’s Complete Proteins
Fuel & Fiber With Carbs
Functional Fats
Beneficial "Bios"
The Powerful List of Dairy Ingredients
Milk Protein & Milkfat
Whole Milk Powder
Product Definition
Whole Milk Powder (WMP) is the product resulting from the partial removal of water from pasteurized milk. The fat and/or protein content of the milk may have been adjusted, only to comply with the compositional requirements below, by the addition and/or withdrawal of milk constituents in such a way as not to alter the casein-to-whey protein ratio of the milk being adjusted. Milk products permitted for such adjustment purposes are defined in the Permissible Additives section of this Standard.
Whole Milk Powder complies with all provisions of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Other Characteristics
Permissable Additives
The protein content of milk used to manufacture WMP may be adjusted (“standardized”) by the addition of the following milk products only:
- Milk retentate: the product obtained by concentrating milk protein by ultrafiltration of milk, reduced fat milk, or skim milk;
- Milk permeatePortion of the milk that crosses or permeates an ultrafiltration membrane. Milk permeate contains lactose, minerals and nonprotein nitrogen. May also be known as dairy product solids.: the product obtained by removing milk proteins and milkfat from milk, reduced fat milk, or skim milk by ultrafiltration; and
- Lactose.
Product Labeling
Recommended identifications: Whole Milk Powder
Protein Quality
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)......1.00
Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS).....................1.16
Ingredient Note: Dry Whole Milk may comply with all aspects of the definition for Whole Milk Powder, but WMP (which is permitted to be standardized) does not comply with DWMDry whole milk requirements by definition. This ‘one-way’ equivalence has implications for product formulation and labeled ingredient declarations.
Functionality and Applications
HIgh Performance:
Hydration Rate
Heat Stability
Medium Performance:
Water Binding
Whole Milk Powder is typically used in confectionery, bakery products, packaged dry mixes, dairy products, soups, sauces, frozen foods, beverages, and others.
The protein adjustment, which is permitted for Whole Milk Powder, is optional. Product manufactured without this adjustment, and in compliance with all other U.S. requirements, is equivalent in composition to Dry Whole Milk, and it may be utilized in U.S. standardized foods where Dry Whole Milk is specified by the corresponding Standard of Identity (SOI).
Ingredient Note: Dry Whole Milk (DWM)Product resulting from the removal of water from pasteurized milk and contains by weight not less than 26%, but less than 40% milk fat and not more than 5% by weight moisture. It contains lactose, milk proteins, milk fat and milk minerals in the same proportions as the milk from which it was made (CFR definition). and WMP are analogous ingredients, with the former representing the U.S. definition and the latter representing the international (Codex AlimentariusGroup responsible for developing a collection of internationally adopted food standards aimed at protecting consumers’ health and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade.) definition, respectively. The U.S. definition permits the blending of specific milk processing streams in order to achieve a final product which is equivalent to that obtained solely by drying whole milk; while the Codex standard allows for changing the fat and/or protein content of the product by adding specific permissible additives, ensuring that the casein-to-whey proteins ratio is not altered.
Product Examples
(launched in the last 2 years)
Credit: Innova Market Insights
Just the Fun Part Waffle Cones: Whole milk powder provides a rich dairy flavor to this bite-size, Belgian milk chocolate filled cone. The addition of milk powder is also required to meet the standard of identity for milk chocolate in the U.S.
TruHeigh Toddler Complete Nutrition Formular: It is recommended that children from the age of one consume whole milk to support normal growth and development. The whole milk powder in this toddler formula provides a convenient way to provide important nutrition for this age group.
Kirin Caramel Tea Latte: Whole milk powder provides a rich,
creamy mouthfeel to this ready to drink tea latte. Though it is combined with skim milk powder, the higher fat content of the whole milk powder gives this product a more premium appeal.
Ghiradelli Minis: This milk chocolate caramel gets its characteristic flavor from the addition of whole milk powder. The addition of whole milk powder meets the standard of identity for milk chocolate in the U.S.
Orgain Kids Protein Shake Mix: Whole milk powder is combined with whey proteinProtein in milk that remains in water phase after casein precipitates. concentrate and milk protein concentrate to give this nutrition shake 8 grams of protein and 4 g of fat per serving. All three dairy protein powders provide high qualityFocus on doing things well and producing a product acceptable to consumers protein for growing kids.